

#1 2007-11-22 00:35:05


Familiares Jego Świątobliwości

Call me!
Skąd: Łódź/Piotrków
Zarejestrowany: 2007-11-21
Posty: 45
Punktów :   

SF Recon


Well, this may take awhile so sit back and relax.

Recon is a large map, yes. Yes it can be confusing until you get your bearings. Once you have it figured out, it's a great map. I will run down a few of the tactical situations and reactionary measures that have helped me get as many as 23 kills in a 7/7 and as many as 1270 points.

Get in it in single player and just run around. You will see the names of the locations I mention at the top right of your screen.

--The first 3 minutes--
In the first 3 minutes of the game, it is crucial for defense to get to positions. Enemy starts in the far northeast and far northwest. Defense starts basically in the center of the map. For an 8 man squad, defensive positions should be set up in the South Oil Field Area, one in the western side of the West Hangar Approach getting any rushers for A and then facing north. One on the east ridge of the South Oil Field(preferably sniper) to fire east and northeast. One on the ridge over looking the crashed Hind. This troop should prevent enemy from splitting your squad and running up the middle to flank or get B. He should be sure to report his position and enemy when he sees them. This troop should also beware of flankers from his north and northwest as enemy like to top the hill near the North Guard Tower often. The troop that goes to the West Hangar Approach needs to beware of any enemy that may have made it to the camp at the east of that canyon, then any enemy that is on the far east-central side of the canyon, and then any enemy that is on the hill directly to the north. Many enemy will stay on that hill to cover a buddy's advance on A Objective. After you have stopped that rush, look for those guys. If you were unable to stop the rush to A, fall back towards the West and keep your head below the ridgeline so that enemy north of you cannot pick you off and wait for him to leave A. Get him then. As this happens, your entire team should shift to defend B and C Objectives. (ENEMY ONLY NEEDS 2/3 Objectives.) Also, he should keep watch on the hill that is on the north side of the South Oil Field. An enemy advancing there can be picked off from the West Hangar Appoach.

For the other half of the squad one or two can head north through the Fuel Depot Approach Canyon to meet enemy that like to snipe from the burning tower in the northwest. Another two troops should head southwest to the C Objective in order to set up defensive positions just north of the West Guard Tower. There is a small depression north of the West Tower than you can get to and set up an ambush on enemy that just run up the West Road. If you go to that spot, beware of snipers that like to set up on the west hill along the road to the northwest. After you stop the intitial rush to C Objective, fall back to the Powerful Position. I call it that because a wary troop can defend C single handedly from it by both attacks from the north and the east. This power position is just south of the West Guard Tower. It is the hill just to the north of the "steps" in the terrain. You can use this feature as cover from attacks on all sides, but you must be vigilent and pay attention to all sounds and reports.

--After the first 3 minutes OR falling back to defend B and C---

If the enemy gets A in the first few minutes of the round, it makes it much more probable that they will win, though not a foregone conclusion. Some teamwork and communication will make the difference. Depending on how many of your squad are left and are competent, you can set up to defend the remaining B and C objectives with some decided advantage. The clock is always in Defense's favor. REMEMBER THAT.

If you have 3 troops at this stage, one should be on the hill just west of the B Objective. It says "West Hind Approach" when you report it. To an alert player, this hill is a power position for defending B. You can watch all directions and with a scope, fire on the West Tower when you see silohuetted enemy in the west. I have actually killed enemy at the West Tower from this spot at B!! From this spot, you can hear enemy approaching you and use the cover and clock to your advantage. Another troop should take up position at the C power positon I mentioned at the West Tower. From here, you can hear all advances to C. If enemy are coming in the Feul Depot Approach Canyon, you will hear them and they MUST run under you to the south to reach C. This gives you the advantage of elevation AND surprise. You can just lob a 203 down at them and be done. If one approaches from the West Road area, you will most likely hear him and be able to dispatch him easily, again with the advantage of elevation. If he approaches from your direct north, you will hear him and use your close-quarters combat skills to stop him. Easy, right?

If you are lucky enough to have a 3rd guy at this stage, he should set up on the hill just east of the south end of the Fuel Depot Approach Canyon. This soldier should be watching the northwest, toward the Ruined Guard Tower. Keep your head down...snipers my see you as you are on the lit side of the canyon. This soldier should also be ready to sprint to B in case the troop there gets in trouble.

--The OTHER side of the coin---

If the enemy get C and not A Objective first, a power position for both A and B is the high, southeast corner of the South Oil Field. One can watch the west approach to B and defend it. And one can also watch A to defend against any flankers from the North. It offers cover from the north, east and west just as long as you are viginlent and alert. Use the angles of the corner there to cover yourself from enemy fire if you get any.

--Final Word---

WEAR HEADPHONES! I cannot express to you how much they help. You can hear footsteps so far away that you can prepare an attack for minutes.

COMMUNICATE!! The team that calls out where they see the enemy wins. Simple as that. Report to your friendlies EVERYTIME you see a baddie. It really IS the difference in winning and losing. This is a map that allows you time to do it.

Use cover! Stay off the ridges and out of the center of the valleys. Keep your head below the horizon at all times if possible.

Use your compass! The Objectives are marked on it and so are some of your squad members. Heads-up!

Well, there you have it. Hope some of you can get a little advantage out of some of that.

--And now for the Special-Recon Offensive tips. --

As I rarely play on Special Recon I only have a couple of tips and strategies for this side of the coin.

My typical strategy is to rush the West Hangar approach and flank west through the southern part of the South Oil Field. It is important to clear that area of enemy before attempting to get A. If you want to stay alive, that is (and I do).
As soon as you spawn take off running toward A. Stay to the west of the canyon with the burning vehicle. Run to the cover of the hill at the south. The part I am talking about I call the West Hangar Bunker because there is a depression there one can hide in.
As you are running up to that point, you are making a lot of noise that the enemy might pick up on. As soon as you get there, kneel and hit slow-walk. Set your weapon to "AUTO" and put your supressor on. As you do, listen for enemy immediately to your west. If they seem distracted with one of your mates that is rushing A, enter the "bunker" and prepare a grenade. Unpin it, cook it, and let it fly. You can't throw the entire span of the "Bunker" so you have to get to the west edge of it before you throw. Don't leave your grenade in the oven too long! =D

Now that you have gained control of the far southeast part of the South Oil Field, it is time to clear the rest of it. Move a little further west. Be sure to keep your head below the ridge line and kneel as you walk. Don't want them to hear you. Look to the northwest (toward the oil pumps.) You may see an enemy on that ridge waiting to fire on your buddies' retreat out of OBJ A. Lay down and pop him. ALWAYS use the terrain as cover. ALWAYS fire, dip back below the horizon, relocate (move left or right) and pop back up over the horizon to fire. This makes them move to sight you again and by that time you are already firing on them.

Continue your advance to the west, listen for enemy activity in the South Oil Field. Watch the South Tower. Clear it of enemy. Also watch the West Hind Approach hill. There may be an enemy there watching B. Scan the enemy? Retreat to A and take it if no one has already. have A..hopefully someone has made progress to B or C. Ask around for reports and formulate your plan from A based on them. If someone is working on B as you leave back through the "Bunker" to the southeast corner of the South Oil Fie...ured here. Assess the enemy's strength from here and try to clear the South Oil Field and North Oil field before you advance to B. Hopefully, you can cover for a team mate who is already advancing on it.

Once you have ensured that the South Oil Field is clear, watch the West Hind Approach hill and run for B. Once you are should either have cover or have ensured yourself victory by having cleared the South Oil Field.

I will post again on heading toward C from both primary and secondary spawns.

Hope you can use some of this and see you on Recon!

Tłumaczenie PAntego

Recon jest mapą wielką i czarną jak dupa murzyna. Jeśli zobaczysz wroga musisz zabić go pierwszy nim on zabije Ciebie. Jesli wroga słyszysz, nieprzejmuj sie, jest 2 km przed Tobą. Jesli pilnujesz jednego z dwóch bronionych obiektów, a robią ten drugi (wystarczy zrobic 2 z 3obj) to nie martw sie - nie dobiegniesz aby ich powstrzymać Smile



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