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#1 2007-11-24 21:35:20


Familiares Jego Świątobliwości

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Skąd: Łódź/Piotrków
Zarejestrowany: 2007-11-21
Posty: 45
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Komendy dla adminów serwerów AA

Instrukcja obslugi !
Bedac adminem wchodzisz do konsoli administratora za pomoca klawisza F12.
1.MISSIONS - ta zakladka sluzy do zmieniania map. Wybierasz mape poczym klikasz na CHANGE MISSION i czekasz az zakonczy sie odliczanie i az serwer zrestartuje sie na wybranej mapie.
2.CONFIGURATION - ta zakladka sluzy do :
-zrobienia serwera na haslo
-wyboru minimalnego i maksymalnego honoru na serwerze
-autobalansowania druzyn
-forsowania modow broni na live fire lub laserki
Prosze byc ostroznym w poslugiwaniu sie opcjami w tej zakladce(lepiej nie ruszac).
3.RULES - ta zakladka sluzy do:
-zmiany czasu narunde
-zmiany ilosci rund
-wlaczania czitow (nie zaznaczac!)
-wylaczania/wlaczania cieni
-ustawienia kopania idli po paru rundach w idlu
-ustawienia kopania za roe
-wlaczania/wylaczania opcji HUDa czyli to co macie widoczne na ekranie (ilosc granatow,magazynkow death message itp itp)
4.PLAYERLIST - ta zakladka sluzy do :
-kopania ludzi z serwera -zaznaczasz na liscie - i wybierasz KICK.
-mutowania ludzi na czacie -zaznaczasz na liscie i wciskasz MUTE
-ogladania gracza - zaznaczasz gracza i wciskasz VIEV.
-forsowania broni - pojedynczo (do tego bedziemy uzywali bindow-tej opcji nie).
5.BAN LIST - sluzy do podgladania listy aktualnyc graczy i banowania.
Wybierasz gracza z listy - czas trwania bana oraz rodzaj bana potem klikasz ADD BAN.
6.TOURNAMENT - Sluzy do ustawienia serwera w trybie turnamentu(ta opcja prosze sie nie bawic,ten tryb stosowac bedziemy na prywatnym serwerze).

potrzebne komendy :
wpisujemy je w konsoli,w miejsce przyklad wpsujemy to co mamy do przekazania.
admin say przyklad - pojawienie sie czerwonego napisu od admina .
admin message przyklad - pojawienie sie napisu na srodku ekranu na pare sekund.


Komendy na zmiane broni

W konsoli wpisujemy :

admin forceclass * Ö

Ö = nazwa broni!

Nazwy broni:

m4a1 - m4a1 bez zblizenia /muszka
ar - ar
r - m16
rct - rekrut / puste rece
ak - kalach z 2 magazynkami
ak74su - patyk bez zooma - 2 magazynki
rpk - rpk
m4m - sf
g - 203
gp - 203 op4ow
s - snipy
s82 - duza snipa
s24 - mala snipa
svd - duza snipa op4ow
rpg - rpg
at4 - at4 + m4a1
bdm - at4 + m4a1
m9 - pistolety
v - vss -automatyczna snipa
d - sf - bez granatow - 3 wywalacze drzwi
j - sf + javelin
rpg9 -
sf - 2x203 bez granatow
spr - snipa kijowa
pso - if z zoomem

Trochę bardziej zaawansowane

Console Commands
Admin Commands Server Commands General Game Commands
Your Statistics Movement & Actions Communication
Single Player Commands Multiplayer Cheats PunkBuster Commands
Below is a list of console commands gathered from various AA sites in order for you to have a more complete guide

Admin Commands
Admin spectate [ playername | playerID ]
Spectate a named player. Note that when a round ends, the target you are spectating is lost and you must re-issue the spectate command to go back into spectate mode.
Admin a_switchteam [ playername | playerID ]
Switches the team of the specified player (either from Assault to Defense, or vice-versa.) The team switch happens at the beginning of the next round. This is merely a request to change the team of the named player. Other mitigating factors may prevent this player’s team from actually changing the next round.
Admin a_open [mapname]
Admin a_map [mapname]
Admin switch [mapname]
Opens a new map. These commands can all be used interchangeably. mapname: the name of the map to open.
Admin restartmap
Restarts the current map.
Admin forceclass [ playername | playerID ] [class]
Immediately changes the class of the specified player. The class is specified using one of the following abbreviations:
[g - M16A2/M203] [r - M16A2] [s - M82] [s24 - M24] [ar - M249] [m - Modded M4 without M4 Mods] [m4a1auto - Ranger M4A1] [m4m - Modded M4 with m4 Mods] [ak - AK47] [ak74su - AK74] [gp -AK w/ launcher] [rpk - RPK Light Machine Gun] [svd - Dragunov sniper rifle] [mos - Mosin-nagant sniper rifle] [sl - Squad Leader] [ft - Fireteam Leader] [rct - recruit (no weapons)]
Admin kickban [ playername | playerID ]
Kicks the specified player from the server, and then adds his IP address to the banlist file.
Admin kick [ playername | playerID ]
Kicks the specified player from the server.
Admin say [message]
Uses the chat to message players.
Admin message [message]
This is similar to admin say, except that the message is delivered in big text to the middle of the screen. Everyone receives the message.
Admin mute [ playername | playerID | all ]
Mutes the chat of the specified player. This is a server mute and is relative to all players, not just the admin. Other Admins or SuperUsers cannot be muted. playername/playerID: The player to mute. all: Mutes all players. Note: type “admin mute [playername]” again to un-mute the player. The muting stays in effect until the server is restarted.
Admin deathmessages [1 on][0 off]
Turns death and damage messages off for all players. When changing this setting via the console, your preference is automatically saved in your ArmyOps.ini file. However, if you wish to change the ArmyOps.ini file directly, the variable to look for is bDeathMessages.
Admin score [1 on][0 off][ round | match]
Turns the scoreboard on and off. Scoreboard can be displayed at the end of a round, end of a match, or never. Note that certain UI changes mean that even with the scoreboard disabled, players can still (currently) switch to the scoreboard from the weapon selection screen.1/on: Turns the scoreboard on.0/off: Turns the scoreboard off.round: Shows scoreboard at end of round only.match: Shows scoreboard at end of match only.When score mode ‘round’ or ‘match’ are specified, the score will be displayed at the appropriate time. The client can then hit ESC to close the score screen, or can wait until the beginning of the next round at which time the score screen will automatically be closed. When changing this setting via the console, your preference is automatically saved in your ArmyOps.ini file. However, if you wish to change the ArmyOps.ini file directly, the variable to look for is ScoreMode and the possible values are: SSM_On, SSM_Off, SSM_Round, and SSM_Match.
Admin motd [ self | all ][text]
Sets or displays the message of the day(first line only).
Admin roekicktimer [1 on][0 off]
Turns on or off the ROE kick timer at the beginning of the round.
Admin roekick [1 on][0 off]
Turns on or off the ROE kick functionality for players exceeding max ROE.
Admin roekickdead [1 on][0 off]
If enabled, instead of a player being kicked for an ROE penalty, they will be killed.
Admin pb_sv_ [ enable | disable ]
Enables or disables punkbuster for the server.

PunkBuster Commands
Admin pb_sv_ [ enable | disable ]
Enables or disables punkbuster for the server.
pb_sv_task [start-seconds][optional-run-every-seconds]
This allows server admins to set a task starting from a specified time in seconds and then running again every x seconds there after. If no re-run value is specified then the task is only run once. This feature is not limited to PB functions and can run in-game functions as well. You may use more than one task if you like. Examples:
pb_sv_task 10 300 \"say Visit us at\"
15 305 \"say Email server admins:\"
pb_sv_task 700 \"pb_sv_bindsrch com_maxfps\"
pb_sv_task 700 \"pb_sv_bindsrch m_pitch\"
This will spam your two messages on screen and re run them at the specified times. The last two will run a bind-cvar check once only.
Shows what tasks you have running and shows you what slot number each task is assigned to.
pb_sv_taskdel [slot#]
Deletes a task in your list of tasks by slot number. This is useful in keeping multiple tasks from piling up and repeating themselves. In your pbsv.cfg you should insert this command right before your list of tasks to make sure you start off clear.
Name Managment
pb_sv_badname [grace-seconds][filter]
This command will allow you to filter out certain text in names, then give the player x seconds to change the name before being removed from the server. Here are some examples:
pb_sv_badname 30 http://www.
pb_sv_badname 30 .com
pb_sv_badname 30 UnnamedPlayer
pb_sv_badname 30 ogc
pb_sv_badname 30 noskill
pb_sv_badname 30 noname
Lists all the bad names in your check list and shows you each lines assigned slot number.
pb_sv_badnameDel [slot#]
Deletes a name in your list of bad names by slot number. This is useful in keeping multiple bad names from piling up and repeating themselves. In your pbsv.cfg you should insert this command right before your list of bad names to make sure you start off clear.
pb_sv_changePeriod [#secs]
Amount of seconds allowed between name changes, prevents name spamming.
pb_sv_changeMax [#]
Number of total allowed name changes per session.
pb_sv_dupNameGrace [#secs]
Amount of time ( in seconds ) that a duplicate name has to be changed before that player is removed from the server. This ensures that all players on the server have a unique name.
pb_sv_extChar [1 allow][0 disallow]
Control of extended characters in names (characters and symbols that can not be produced from a single key stroke).
pb_sv_emptyname [1 allow][0 disallow]
Control the option of a an \"empty\" name ( no name at all )
pb_sv_minName [#]
Dictates the minimum amount of actual characters a players name must have to be allowed on the server.
Guid Settings
Pb_sv_noguidgrace 30
Number of seconds that a player with no guid is kicked.
pb_sv_updategrace 300
Number of seconds that a player with a \"no updated status\" has to update before being kicked ( 300 - 600 )
pb_sv_guidrelax 7
This setting was added to server version 1.011 to set options for the locked-down guid system. This setting is cumulative based on adding the values for the conditions desired. Below are the possible combinations:
0= Kick for UNKN guid, wrong ip guid and duplicate guid.
1= Kick for wrong ip guid and duplicate guid.
2= Kick for UNKN guid, and duplicate guid.
3= Kick for duplicate guid.
4= Kick for UNKN guid and wrong ip guid.
5= Kick for wrong ip guid.
6= Kick for UNKN guid
7= Don\'t kick for UNKN guid, wrong ip guid and duplicate guid. (default)
Auto Kicking
pb_sv_CQC [1 on][0 off]
This allows admins to turn off / on the feature that shows players why they were kicked.
pb_sv_KickLen 10
When kicked from the server for a violation this is the time ( in minutes ) that person must wait before they can re-join the server.
tells the PunkBuster version
load a script of PunkBuster commands (untested)
list of all players on the server and their \"PunkBuster status\"
the \"unique identifier\" PunkBuster has assigned you for this server.
controls whether any ScreenShots taken of you are logged to the System/pb/scrnshot directory. Default is 1 (yes).
controls whether additional information is saved whenever you are investigated. Default is 0 (no).
The prefix before any punkbuster messages. Default is \"PunkBuster Client\". You could change it to \"PB Client\", for example.
apparently you can change this (from 0 to 1 or vice versa) if you are having lockup problems

Server Commands
Leave server
Rejoin server
Join a server directly through IP
open xx.xx.xx.xx?password=xxxxx
Join a sever directly through IP where the xxxxx is the password
Shows list of players
Initiate/add a vote to a votekick
Gives the 4 reasons for votekicking

General Game Commands
agphud [1 on][0 off]
Shows/Hides HUD
exit to desktop
Takes a Screenshot
netspeed xxxx
Sets netspeed to different setting (3000-10000 seems the average)
lanspeed xxxx
Sets lanspeed to different setting (default is 20000, you shouldn\'t change this)
Useful to start a votekick on someone with weird characters in their name, you would then \"votekick ##\" (## = the number beside the playername) to initiate a votekick
exit to desktop
AA main menu
Changes screen brightness
Pull up the console
Changes monitor contrast
Change crosshair
flushes graphics useful for lowend systems
Changes monitor gamma
Change screen resolution
This is used to load up external commands. The external commands are found in txt file which must be located in the system folder.
Clears out RAM memory
Toggle windowed/full-screen mode
demorec [filename]
records the demo
demoplay [filename]
playbacks the demo file
halts the recording

Your Statistics
Tells screen resolution and color depth
Memory statistics
stat fps
Provides frames per second
stat net
Provides connection info
stat game
Provides performance timings in milliseconds
stat render
Provides rendering information
stat hardware
Provides in-depth modeling info
stat all
Provides large (HUGE) amounts of game info
stat none
Shuts stat info off

Movement & Actions
Open doors, take objectives, etc...
Alternate fire mode (Typically switch to burst)
Selects Binoculars (SGT/FTL only)
Prone/Standing toggle
Crouch/Standing toggle
Toggle run/walk
Fire Weapon
Fix jammed weapon
Free look
Select flash grenade
Select fragmentation grenade
Select smoke grenade
Player yells \"Medic\" if injured
Lean/roll left
Lean/roll right
Moves aimpoint down
Moves aimpoint up
Move backwards
Move forwards
Night vision goggles
Reload weapon
Shows the weapons selection screen
Shows the team selection screen
Sets squad objective
Shows mission objectives
Shows scores and most teammates/opponents
set strafe mode on/off
Strafe left
Strafe right
Kill yourself
Switch to supported fire/grenade mode (M249, M24, M82, M203, GP30 only)
Shoulder/unshoulder weapon
Drops weapon to ground
Turns aimpoint left
Turns aimpoint right
Turns character 180 degrees around
Not implemented at this time
Brings up sights/scope

Cycles through commo
Global (seen by all players)
Hand signal commo
Radio commo
Shout commos (Heard by all in range)
Squad commos
Whisper commos (Heard by all in range)
Prompts for text message
Reports in your current location to team
Prompts for text message
Prompts for text message that only your team sees
Prompts for text message that only your team sees

Single Player Commands
Pauses single player game
behindview [1 on][0 off]
For 3rd person on/off
To fly
fly thru objects
fov X
(FOV 90 is default) - To change field of view
mpcheat binoc
to get binoculars
mpcheat freecamera
1 - 3rd person, independently rotating camera
mpcheat god
To get god mode
mpcheat ghost
To get ghost mode
mpcheat nvg
To get night vision goggles
mpcheat changeclass
[g - M16A2/M203] [r - M16A2] [s - M82] [s24 - M24] [ar - M249] [m - Modded M4 without M4 Mods] [m4a1auto - Ranger M4A1] [m4m - Modded M4 with m4 Mods] [ak - AK47] [ak74su - AK74] [gp -AK w/ launcher] [rpk - RPK Light Machine Gun] [svd - Dragunov sniper rifle] [mos - Mosin-nagant sniper rifle] [sl - Squad Leader] [ft - Fireteam Leader] [rct - recruit (no weapons)]
freezes effects, useful for freezing gunfire at height of muzzle flash
slomo X
(SLOMO 1 is default) - To change timerate
setspeed X
(1 is default) - To change player speed
setjumpz X
(325 is default) - To change player jump
To kill yourself
To walk again (This screws up jumping, opening doors, etc.)
show fog
To turn off fog (\"show x\" to turn any on again)
show coronas
To turn off lights
show particles
To turn off particles (i.e. smoke)
show projectors
To turn off damage skins, shadows, etc.
show radii
To show hit radii for grenades?
show sky
To turn off sky
show staticmeshes
To turn off objects
show terrain
To turn off terrain.
rmode X (1-9)
1) Wireframe 2) Blue surfaces 3) Pastel surfaces 4) White surfaces 5) Standard 6) More intense 7) No textures Cool Solarized 9) Much more intense
playerlock 0
Unlocks player from spawn too allow movement
start (mapname).aao
Open a map
setjumpz X
(325 is default) - To change player jump
Toggle unlimited ammo on/off
Toggle invincibility on/off
Toggle recoil on/off
For practice dummies:
summon agp_characters.npc_medinstructor
summon agp_characters.npc_nurse
summon agp_characters.npc_medstudent
summon agp_characters.npc_student
summon agp_characters.npc_drillinstructor
summon agp_characters.npc_ambient
summon agp_characters.npc_soldier
summon agp_characters.npc_civilian
summon agp_characters.npc_doctor
summon agp_characters.npc_flightcrew
summon agp_characters.npc_towerobserver
summon agp_characters.npc_towerobserverfemale
summon agp_characters.npc_airbornesoldier
summon agp_characters.npc_airborneinstructor
summon agp_characters.npc_virtualgeorge
summon agp_characters.agp_character
To remove all practice dummies
After summoning one of the characters above type: avatar agp_characters.npc_NAME. Once you hit enter you will go to the other body. You can see your other body standing there. Use Freecamera and behind view to see a good view of your body. Not all of the characters work the same like nurse and virtualgeorge so just test them out. I tried it with the civilian and several others so I think they all work just differently. If you have more then one of the same pawn just use avatar with the same character code again and it will switch you bethween them.
First summon the agp_characters.npc_soldier. You can have one or many. WARNING: You can spawn as many as you want and your framrate should stay normal, but if you spawn too many and then make them come to life your game might slow down to almost stopped. If this happens use the \"killpawns\" command. After you have summoned them move away cause they will shoot at you right away when you make them alive or you could type \"mpcheat god\" or \"god\" so you won\'t die from the shots. Then type \"walk\" and they will yell in opforeign then pull out an AK47. They will not move from where they are spawned. If you place one right behind the other and stand infront of one of them the one on the other side of the one in front of you will be shot be the other. They are not that smart yet as they are still being coded. After you kill them you can type \"walk\" to make them come back to life. Sometimes the opfor will walk around.
Summon Weapon
summon agp_inventory.agp_ammopickup.agp_M67Frag
summon agp_inventory.agp_ammopickup.agp_M83Smoke
summon agp_inventory.agp_ammopickup.agp_Flashbang
summon agp_inventory.agp_ammopickup.agp_ammo_40G_1 ; 40mm grenades
summon agp_inventory.agp_ammopickup.agp_ammo_556_30 ; M4/16 ammo
summon agp_inventory.agp_ammopickup.agp_ammo_556_200 ; M249 ammo
summon agp_inventory.agp_ammopickup.agp_ammo_762_5 ; M24/MOS ammo
summon agp_inventory.agp_ammopickup.agp_ammo_127_10 ; M82/SVD ammo (no graphic)
summon agp_inventory.agp_ammopickup.agp_ammo_30G_1 ; GP30 ammo (no graphic)
summon agp_inventory.agp_ammopickup.agp_pickupM82
summon agp_inventory.agp_ammopickup.agp_pickupRPK
summon agp_inventory.agp_ammopickup.agp_pickupM4A1
summon agp_inventory.agp_ammopickup.agp_pickupM4A1auto
summon agp_inventory.agp_ammopickup.agp_pickupM249
summon agp_inventory.agp_ammopickup.agp_pickupM24
summon agp_inventory.agp_ammopickup.agp_pickupM203
summon agp_inventory.agp_ammopickup.agp_pickupM16A2
summon agp_inventory.agp_ammopickup.agp_pickupGP30
summon agp_inventory.agp_ammopickup.agp_pickupAK74su
summon agp_inventory.agp_ammopickup.agp_pickupAK47
summon agp_inventory.agp_ammopickup.agp_pickupMosinNagant
summon agp_inventory.agp_ammopickup.agp_pickupSVD
Summon Weapon Mods
It works like Slot_[SLOT]_([INDEX])=[MOD] where [SLOT] is the mod slot, [INDEX] is the index of the set of mods and [MOD] is one of the listed mods. Mods only work on some slots, like the M203 and the Harris Bipod work on slot 4 and no other slot, i think that slot is basically the rail it is on. In the game you type SetIndex [X] where [X] is an index to use that set of mods, then type mpcheat changeclass m4m to get the modified m4. You type suppressor to toggle the suppressor on and off. The laser and flashlight are probably activated by typeing leftrail and rightrail, but i don\'t think the code has been added for them yet because they do nothing. Another cool thing is that they work on cheat servers too, so you can play online with modified m4\'s.

Multiplayer Cheats
mpcheat binoc
To get binoculars
mpcheat freecamera 1/0
3rd person, independently rotating camera on/off
mpcheat behindview 1/0
3rd person, dependently rotating camera on/off
mpcheat god
To get god mode
mpcheat ghost
To get ghost mode
mpcheat nvg
To get night vision goggles
mpcheat walk
Puts you back on the ground, counters fly/ghost
mpcheat medic
To get medic patches
mpcheat paramsammo 1/0
for ulimited ammo on/off
mpcheat fov X
(FOV 90 is default) - To change field of view
mpcheat changeclass [x]
[g - M16A2/M203] [r - M16A2] [s - M82] [s24 - M24] [ar - M249] [m - Modded M4 without M4 Mods] [m4a1auto - Ranger M4A1] [m4m - Modded M4 with m4 Mods] [ak - AK47] [ak74su - AK74] [gp -AK w/ launcher] [rpk - RPK Light Machine Gun] [svd - Dragunov sniper rifle] [mos - Mosin-nagant sniper rifle] [sl - Squad Leader] [ft - Fireteam Leader] [rct - recruit (no weapons)]


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